Sunday, 28 April 2013

Episode CXVI - Cool Reunion

Siren followed her nose.  The scent of freshly toasted bread wafted along the corridor towards as if it were an invitation, as if she were expected, and so her feet seemed to move of her own accord and the gas lamps went past one by one.

Of course she wasn't walking along in a dream, unaware of her surroundings, nor the situation which had brought her there and she certainly wasn't oblivious to the traps which were placed at irregular intervals along the corridor.  The first, a simple pendulum blade mechanism triggered by a trip wire, was easy to avoid.  The wire remained un touched and it was only curiosity which had her lean in to the wall and examine the edge of the blade in its slot.  The second trap was activated by a pressure pad almost immediately after that and though Siren wasn't quick enough to avoid triggering it, she was able to duck out of the way of the barbed mace which swung down from the ceiling towards her, rolling forwards so as not to be hit on the return.  That was where she triggered the third trap, which she heard with a click and then a sudden pop of air as a cloud of darts shot out of the wall.  She went prone, then crawled forwards until the darts stopped.

There were many more, and not all were so easily dodged.  Siren was slightly singed, not badly bruised and had a very small cut on her cheek by the time she made it to the simple wooden doorway at the end of the corridor.  And there, as she leaned against the wall to catch her breath, she triggered the final trap.  The walls shifted, started to close in on each other and it was only by barging the door with her already bruised shoulder, forcing it open and stumbling through into the dimly lit room beyond that she managed to escape becoming a Siren sandwich.  The walls sealed so tightly behind her that when she turned and checked the doorway a split second later she could not see the join.

"Ah, Siren, sweetheart," came a soft, elderly voice behind her, "we wondered if you would make it here."

Siren turned around and there, standing in the middle of the room, stood Miss. Felicity Barkcastle.  Suddenly there were tears forming in her eyes.

"Oh, Miss. Barkcastle, it's so good to see you again after all this time!  Are the others here, at all?  And did you really need to put in all those traps in the corridor?" she added with a bit more of her usual attitude, but that fell apart a moment later as she said,  "Oh, I'm so sorry, but I think I may have inadvertently destroyed your house... Just a little bit..."

"That's okay, dear," Miss Barkcastle said, smiling gently, "we never intended the house to survive your arrival.  It'll buy us a bit of time.  Now, would you like some toast?  The others are already eating!"  She pointed over to a dim corner where Siren at last noticed her old friends.  They were, in fact, not eating at all, but staring at her with looks ranging from mild curiosity (the Former Baron) to complete shock (Gulliver and Ellis), with Rockspark doing his best impression of a granite cliff face somewhere in the unreadable middle.

"Uh, hi," Siren managed.

"As Miss Barkcastle there has already stated, it is indeed quite delightful to see you again, Siren, my dear," the Former Baron said, "I hope the traps weren't too much trouble for you.  We had to pitch the difficulty levels quite high, but I was sure you would be able to make it through.  You have greater skill and tenacity than my second cousin Eckhardt's pet Nematopod, and after it had won a chess match you couldn't prise the pieces from its tentacles with a crowbar!"

"Thank you, I think..."

"We didn't think we was ever goin' to see you again!" Gulliver interjected, finally rising from his seat, "I was sure Lakhma would get the Ebon Crest and that would be it!"

"Well, the Crest is impounded in Searingsands, but it made it there in one piece..."

She glanced at Ellis, wondering if he was going to say anything, but now the shock was fading from his face he seemed to have lost interest and was instead staring at the piece of buttered toast on the plate before him as if it held some revelatory information.

"We can catch up later, I think," Miss Barkcastle said as she bustled past with another plate of toast, "for now we need to eat and then make a move.  This safe house wont remain so for very much longer."

            Siren followed her to the table, sat down and discovered that she had a greater appetite for toast than she could have imagined and didn’t say another word until ever crumb was eaten.  When she looked up she realised that Ellis was staring at her.

            “Aren’t you going to say, ‘Hi’, Ellis?” she asked, feeling a bit put out by his silence.  It certainly wasn’t what she had been expecting in all the months they had been apart.

            “He doesn’t say very much these days,” the Former Baron said sadly.

            “‘E’s been like this ever since we escaped Shadedstreams,” Gulliver added.

            Ellis stared at her a little longer, then looked away suddenly, staring off at the wall instead.

            “He listens to us and he follows,” Rockspark said, “but he just doesn’t seem to want to speak or engage with us at all.”

            “What is it?” Siren asked, a chill forming down her spine, “Is he in some kind of shock?”

            The Former Baron shrugged.  “We’ve all experience a fair bit of trauma in the last few months, of that there can be no doubt, but this seems different somehow.  It’s like he’s not really here anymore, or like he simply doesn’t want to be.”

            “We can all sympathise with that,” Gulliver chipped in.

            “I had hoped that he would come back to his sense when you returned, but clearly it’s not going to be that simple.”

            Miss Barkcastle stood up and began clearing away the plates, an oddly domestic gesture in that dungeon space, especially considering they were planning on abandoning it shortly anwyay.

            “That was lovely, Felicity, as ever,” Rockspark commented as she took his plate, before turning towards the Former Baron and asking, “so, where do we go from here?”

            “I think I’ll pass that question on to Siren, actually,” Von Spektr replied with a smile.

            “Me?  Don’t you have a plan of your own?”

            “Our plan, my dear, was to wait it out here until we got some assistance.  You were the logical one to assume would find us first and so we set up the hypostatick circuit and the traps in such a way that you would be able to access this place with relative ease, but we also knew that when you did so all the attention of Lakhma and his/her minions would fall upon us in short order and that we’d have to leave here pretty sharpish.  But we’ve had time to rest and to recuperate and we knew that you would have the resources we don’t.  You’ll have some other safe house and a crew and be well versed in avoiding too much attention.

“You are, in fact, the ideal person to lead us out of here, my dear.”

Siren stared at him open-mouthed for a second, then realised, horribly, that the spindly old man was right.  She did have a plan of sorts.  She just wasn’t expecting to need it right away.

“Very well, she said.  Once we’re out of here, follow me and I’ll take you to the others.”

“Others!” the Former Baron exclaimed with glee.  “You see!  I knew there’d be others!”

“But first, someone else has to take charge.  I don’t know how to get out of here.  Once we’re back on the streets I’m fine, but here, I’m at your mercy.”

“Not a problem,” Miss. Barkcastle said as she stood beside a neat stack of wiped-clean plates, “I can show you to the back door right now, if you want.  We can leave any time.”

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