Sunday, 18 January 2015

Episode CLXXXV - Scaling the Walls

Colonists seemed to be running every way possible along the top of the wall, with some of them climbing over the edge and dropping down into the streets below to escape.  Ellis saw more than one person limping towards their home after a sprained ankle, or worse.  On the other side of the wall the Stoneskins were approaching fast.  There were only a few seconds left before they could be engaged, and could engage in turn, time enough for Ellis to dart through the chaos to reach the parapet and put himself in charge of a kind of hypostatick gatling gun.

The trigger was light and sensitive.  It seemed Ellis had barely brushed it before a stream of glowing slugs spread out into the approaching Stoneskins, chipping scales, drawing blood and sending many to life face-down in the ash, their eyes dimming away to nothing.

No time to think about it.

In truth it as difficult to think about anything other than the feel of the trigger in his hands, the assisted weight of the gun as he swivelled it round to spray the oncoming horde with hypostatickaly charged lead.  All of space and time seemed focussed down the the narrowest corridor, his field of vision and, within even that, his focus on his task and his targets.  He barely noticed when others joined him, either on cannons of their own or with the long-range weaponry 'Santa' had left them that morning.  For their part, the Stoneskins weren't just falling to their deaths like cartoon lemmings, they were firing back.  Arrows flew over the wall, followed by screams of fright or agony.  Ellis heard someone ushering the children away to safety, though many left their toys behind, whirring and chattering from somewhere over Ellis' shoulder.

And then the first of the enemy reached the wall itself and everything changed.  Those who had been firing volleys before were suddenly pushing back Lithoderms as they climbed the slippery, brass-plated surface.  Melee weapons were drawn were needed and blood, human and stoneskin, was spilled beneath the parapets.  Ellis' cannon kept many of those swarming after the front lines at bay, but he couldn't angle it close enough to the wall to stop any that slipped through.  He could only trust that his back was being watched as he focussed on what he could achieve, so, when a growling Stoneskin voice said, "at last, you die," almost into his ear, it was something of a surprise.  He spun away from the gatling gun, reached down for his hypostatickally enhanced sword and then felt the talons of the towering green-eyed Spiketail wrap around his throat.

"You killed my mate," the creature said, "you killed my friends, but you humans are all the same to me," he increased the pressure on Ellis windpipe just a little more, "and I take no more pleasure in this death than any other."

Ellis closed his eyes, waiting for the snap, the pain, the oblivion he expected to come.  Instead there was a loud scrape of steel against stone, a moist gurgling and then grip which held him went suddenly limp.

He dropped down to the ground beside the dead Spiketail and looked up to see Siren standing over them both, her improbably knives in hand.

"Thank you," he said.

"Wouldn't do to get married without a groom, now, would it?" Siren said with a smile which was more relief than anything else.  "Now get back to your gun.  We need to hold as many of them back as we can!"

And so the assault wore on.  Reinforcements came, eventually, from those who had scattered back into the Colony proper and, as the dark day descended into an even gloomier evening, Annabella and the Former Baron could be seen picking up the abandoned toys, lining them up along the parapet and filling their tanks with black sand.  Eventually they were each pushed over the edge, one by one, and, where they landed, a unique kind of chaos ensued.  A little porcelain-faced doll turned into something like a ninja assassin, hunting Stoneskins along the frontline.  A set of toy vehicles drove off into Lithoderm ranks and exploded with considerably more force than one would have expected for something so small, sending Spiketails and Grinders flying through the air to land, broken, amidst (and often on top of) their peers.  A spinning top worked its way amongst the enemy, then spun so fast it produced a vortex that picked up anything in its past, flinging Stoneskins off into the middle distance at impossible speeds.  Each toy held the enemy at bay just a little longer, and allowed time for those on the wall to recover and take stock before continuing the fight.

Then, as the last vestiges of daylight trickled away beneath the horizon, the Former Baron made another announcement via his loudspeaker.  Defenders were asked to step back from the parapet for a moment whilst several huge automated turrets grew out of the wall like the world’s most heavy-duty weeds.  Each was accompanied by a team of Mosskind, who were still tinkering with the massive weapons even as they began firing on the enemy below.  Ellis quickly found that the ensuing barrage relieved some of the pressure and even began to drive the Stoneskins away from the walls.  As he watched it seemed they were increasingly pulling back to a safer distance, watching, assessing and, somewhat worryingly, completely encircling the small settlement.

And then there was stalemate.  Those guarding the wall along with the Mosskind stared out into the dark at the eyes of hundreds of Stoneskins, glowing, staring back, and nobody moved.

And as the seconds stretched out into minutes and on towards hours, it was Siren who most succinctly voiced what everyone seemed to be thinking.

“This is going to be a long, long night.”


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