Sunday 12 August 2018

Shadow is back.

So, if you're visiting this site, you've most likely noticed that Shadow has had something of a soft-relaunch.  After almost three years of silence, Shadow is back with weekly episodes and the story of Ellis, Siren, the Former Baron and friends continues at last!

I didn't want to make a news post about it until I was sure I could get back into the rhythm of writing weekly episodes, but with three weeks of consecutive episodes behind me and with the landmark that is Episode CC under my belt, I feel confident to say that Shadow is well and truly back!

One of the main reasons I've finally returned to writing Shadow after all this time is that I've actually been struggling quite a bit in real life recently and I was advised to take advantage of creative outlets to relieve my anxiety and try to relax and feel normal.  It's a small part of a much larger treatment program, but, whatever the benefits, it does feel good to be writing again and I hope you're enjoying having Shadow back as much as I am.

Remember, you can always comment on any episode.  I love receiving feedback and answering questions.  Also, if you like Shadow, please remember to vote for it here every week, so that more people can find it more easily.

Until next week!

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